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California is expensive and divorce can be even more expensive in the end but I can say
that this site payed everything out for me to follow, from child support to alimony.
My ex agreed to go this way as well so it was a much less expensive option for us.
Marco P.California
Because of the whole dissolution of the marriage, I was struggling with two children and
just in limbo with my husband at the time because of child support and alimony. I was a
stay-at-home mom for 10 years. I just want to say that this site helped me sort it out.
Thank you.
Tamara B.Nevada
I live in upstate NY and unfortunately one day I found myself in a situation for divorce.
I was all out of whack, needed answers to take action. Enough was enough so I did it on this
site. Everything was clear to understand, all forms and what to put in which box.
Theresa S.New York is the bomb! I mean, using it was so easy to follow. So, if you find
yourself in this situation do your divorce here if possible. Documents for all stages,
alimony, child support and all!
Livy B.Illinois
I started my divorce on my own, spending loads of money on lawyer visits in the beginning.
So I decided to google for other ways and using this site was so much more simple!
Wesley H.Missouri
I had a very successful business at the time. So, making sure I had the right forms was
very very important during my divorce. I was so surprised at how easy and smooth this process was.
James V.Texas
After years of a tumultuous marriage, I finally decided that I needed to reclaim my life.
I was looking for how to go about it and came across this site and they simplified and made
the process of divorce easy for me. I never thought it would’ve been possible.
Chloe J.Florida
Stress-free and easy! I was initially gonna hire a lawyer but I found online divorce the
next best option. No muss, no fuss divorce. No big legal words that I’d have to have read
10 times to understand!
Will S.Colorado
California is expensive and divorce can be even more expensive in the end but I can say
that this site payed everything out for me to follow, from child support to alimony.
My ex agreed to go this way as well so it was a much less expensive option for us.
Marco P.California
Because of the whole dissolution of the marriage, I was struggling with two children and
just in limbo with my husband at the time because of child support and alimony. I was a
stay-at-home mom for 10 years. I just want to say that this site helped me sort it out.
Thank you.
Tamara B.Nevada
I live in upstate NY and unfortunately one day I found myself in a situation for divorce.
I was all out of whack, needed answers to take action. Enough was enough so I did it on this
site. Everything was clear to understand, all forms and what to put in which box.
Theresa S.New York is the bomb! I mean, using it was so easy to follow. So, if you find
yourself in this situation do your divorce here if possible. Documents for all stages,
alimony, child support and all!
Livy B.Illinois
I started my divorce on my own, spending loads of money on lawyer visits in the beginning.
So I decided to google for other ways and using this site was so much more simple!
Wesley H.Missouri
I had a very successful business at the time. So, making sure I had the right forms was
very very important during my divorce. I was so surprised at how easy and smooth this process was.
James V.Texas
After years of a tumultuous marriage, I finally decided that I needed to reclaim my life.
I was looking for how to go about it and came across this site and they simplified and made
the process of divorce easy for me. I never thought it would’ve been possible.
Chloe J.Florida
Stress-free and easy! I was initially gonna hire a lawyer but I found online divorce the
next best option. No muss, no fuss divorce. No big legal words that I’d have to have read
10 times to understand!
Will S.Colorado
California is expensive and divorce can be even more expensive in the end but I can say
that this site payed everything out for me to follow, from child support to alimony.
My ex agreed to go this way as well so it was a much less expensive option for us.
Marco P.California
Because of the whole dissolution of the marriage, I was struggling with two children and
just in limbo with my husband at the time because of child support and alimony. I was a
stay-at-home mom for 10 years. I just want to say that this site helped me sort it out.
Thank you.
Tamara B.Nevada
I live in upstate NY and unfortunately one day I found myself in a situation for divorce.
I was all out of whack, needed answers to take action. Enough was enough so I did it on this
site. Everything was clear to understand, all forms and what to put in which box.
Theresa S.New York is the bomb! I mean, using it was so easy to follow. So, if you find
yourself in this situation do your divorce here if possible. Documents for all stages,
alimony, child support and all!
Livy B.Illinois
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Online Divorce in Shasta County
Please note: in Shasta County, California is a divorce document preparation service. It has no authority to provide legal advice, so all the information below is for informational purposes only.
For spouses who have agreed to proceed through the divorce process without a trial and arrange an uncontested divorce in Shasta County, Online Divorce is the easiest way to complete legal forms without undue costs or effort.
If your dissolution case is uncontested and amicable, there are many options for arranging an inexpensive dissolution process and minimizing stress and conflicts including collaborative and mediated divorce. Spouses who can reach an agreement on finances, property and other important issues of the case can even proceed without a lawyer using a do-it-yourself divorce in California.
For all these divorce options, using to fill out divorce papers in Shasta County is the perfect way to begin the procedure. provides step-by-step guidance through the process of divorce in Shasta County, CA.
Family Law is state-specific in the U.S., and even different counties within the state may have specific regulations concerning the filing procedure and court filing fees. OnlineDivorce always takes local rules into account when generating divorce forms. provides printable forms that are guaranteed to be approved by the court.
Our service prepares the necessary documents within just two days. You do not even need to leave your home to receive the completed paperwork kit, and the price is fair with no hidden fees.
Thousands of people have already used to obtain a dissolution of marriage in a quick and affordable way. Filing for divorce in Shasta County can be easier than you could ever imagine.
Valid grounds to get divorce in Shasta County
When filing for divorce in Shasta County, California, the spouse who initiates the case has to fill out a Petition for divorce. This document must contain an official ground for dissolution of the marriage, chosen among those provided by the Family Law of the state.
California Family Code, Sec. 2310, does not have any fault-based grounds for divorce. In Shasta County, California, grounds for divorce include:
Permanent legal incapacity to make decisions (also known as "Incurable Insanity"). This ground must be proven by competent medical or psychiatric testimony.
Irreconcilable differences, which have caused the irremediable breakdown of the marriage.
Since California is a no-fault state, irreconcilable differences cover the rest of the reasons and problems leading to the separation, and neither spouse needs to prove the other's fault before the court.
Divorce in California
Custody of the child in Shasta County
Divorce in Shasta County, CA, with children implies that custody issues should be resolved either by the parties themselves or by the court.
To decide what is best for a child, the court considers the following factors:
The age of the child.
The health of the child.
The emotional ties between the parents and the child.
The ability of the parents to care for the child.
Any history of family violence or substance abuse.
The child's ties to the school, home, and his or her community.
Both sole and joint custody, as well as any combination thereof, like joint legal custody with sole physical custody, may be ordered depending on the circumstances of the case.
Divorce in California
Rules for child support in Shasta County
Both parents are responsible for supporting their children, regardless of whether the parents are married or not.
To determine the amount of child support in Shasta County, there is a statewide formula, which takes into account the following:
Each parent's earning capacity.
Each parent's income.
How many children the parents have together.
How much time each parent spends with their children.
Tax filing status of each parent.
Support of children from other relationships.
Health insurance expenses.
Retirement contributions.
And other factors.
To calculate the exact amount for a particular dissolution case, the spouses should use the California Guideline Child Support Calculator. The guideline amount is presumed to be correct in the majority of cases.
Additionally, Shasta County has a local child support agency aimed to help the divorcing parents with all facets of the child support process.
Divorce in California
Rules for spousal support in Shasta County
According to California Family Code, Sec. 4320, spousal support may be ordered by the court to be paid to either spouse after the court considers all of the following circumstances:
The extent to which the earning capacity of each party is sufficient to maintain the standard of living established during the marriage.
The extent to which the supported party contributed to the attainment of an education, training, etc. by the supporting party.
The length of the marriage.
The age and health condition of each spouse.
The needs of each party based on the marital standard of living.
The education level, earning capacity, financial perspectives of each party.
Separate property of each spouse.
A plea of nolo contendere.
Any history of domestic violence.
Peculiarities of the custody arrangement.
The ability of supporter party to engage in gainful employment without unduly interfering with the interests of dependent children in the custody of the party.
Typically, in Shasta County, the property is divided in a divorce the way the parties agree. If the spouses cannot reach an agreement, the property is divided equally by the Superior Court within the Judgment of Divorce.
Following the California Family Code, Sec. 2581, the courts presume that any property jointly acquired by the couple during the marriage is community (marital) property unless the following is provided:
A clear statement in the deed or other documentary evidence of title by which the property is acquired that the property is separate property.
Proof that the parties have made a written agreement that the property is separate property.
Additionally, the court has the latitude to give one spouse an asset of the community estate to effect an equal division of the marital estate. The court does not consider marital fault, but in the case of financial infidelity or misconduct, the court may also award, from one spouse's share, an amount the one spouse deliberately misappropriated to the detriment of the other party.
Separate property is not subject to division in a dissolution in Shasta County and within the state of California as a whole. Separate property includes all of the following:
All property owned by the person before marriage.
All property acquired by the person after marriage by gift, bequest, devise, or descent.
Any rents, issues, and profits of the property mentioned above.
Divorce in California
Mediation support in Shasta County
Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution which implies that the spouses work jointly under the guidance of an impartial mediator. The goal of mediation is to try to reach an agreement on the essential terms of the dissolution and create a stipulation or a parenting agreement.
In California divorce, mediation sessions can be requested by the spouses voluntarily or ordered by the court. For example, if the couple has a minor child, but they cannot agree on a parenting plan, they will be required to participate in divorce mediation (Family Code, Sec. 3170).
Additionally, judges may order parenting classes. Parents must take the type of course – in-person, online, or video – as is requested by the court.
Divorce in California
How to file for divorce in Shasta County | Step-by-Step
Determine if residency requirements are met. The couple has to meet residency requirements to obtain a divorce in Shasta County, California. According to the California Family Code, Sec. 2320, at least one of the spouses must have resided in California for at least six months and lived within Shasta County, where the proceeding will be filed for the last three months.
Find the relevant court. In Shasta County, California, divorce, legal separation, and annulment cases are handled by the Family Courts of Superior Court. These courts also hear related matters like child custody and support, alimony, property distribution, etc.
Prepare and file the initial divorce papers. The plaintiff (petitioner) has to collect and prepare the required forms, fill out the divorce papers, and file a Petition for Divorce with the court clerk's office.
Make copies of divorce papers.. The petitioner should make at least two copies of all the forms. One copy will be for him or her, and the other copy will be for the other spouse (called a defendant or respondent in a case). The original forms stay with the court.
Serve the spouse. The plaintiff must deliver copies of documents to the defendant. However, there are specific rules on how to serve divorce papers in Shasta County, CA. Any adult person not involved in the case qualifies to serve the Summons via certified mail or in person. This option is the most comfortable and cheapest. Another option is to hire a county sheriff or professional process server. The process of serving divorce papers in Shasta County must be confirmed by a signed Proof of Service of Summons form. This form must be filed with the court by the server.
Finalize a divorce. The length of even an uncontested divorce process cannot be less than six months from the date of service of a copy of Summons and Petition or the date of appearance of the respondent. However, after the waiting period has passed, the judge can sign the final judgment without either spouse having to appear in court if all of the documents are completed correctly.
Divorce in California
Filing fees for divorce in Shasta County
When the plaintiff applies for divorce, he or she is obliged to pay a court filing fee. The average initial filing fee is $435, but the exact amount of the filing fee, for each individual case, also depends on what additional court services are used.
Although the cost of divorce varies based on numerous factors, the court filing fee is a mandatory expense for all.
A person who cannot afford the filings fees may apply to have the fee waived by filling out and submitting a Fee Waiver form.
Court Filing Fee Estimator
Please note that the divorce filing fee calculator provides an estimate of the
costs associated with filing for divorce in your jurisdiction. These fees are
paid directly to the courthouse and are a mandatory part of the divorce
filing process. The actual amount may vary depending on specific court
requirements and any additional services you may need. It is important
to understand that these fees are due at the time of filing your divorce
documents and are essential for the processing and handling of your case.
Please contact your local courthouse for the most accurate and up-to-date
information regarding divorce filing fees in your area.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but the filing fees for ,
are currently unavailable.
In some counties, specific filing fees for divorce cases may not be
readily accessible or may vary based on individual circumstances.
As a result, we are unable to provide an accurate estimation of
the fees at this time.
We recommend reaching out to your local courthouse or consulting
with a legal professional in your area for assistance in determining
the applicable filing fees for your divorce case.
The question of how long does it take to get a divorce in Shasta County, CA, is quite tricky to answer since the time needed to finalize a divorce depends on the circumstances of each individual case. Nevertheless, if both parties agree on all issues, the divorce process is usually fast and easy.
In an uncontested divorce, one date is strict and clear. The state of California has a mandatory waiting period. According to Family Code, Sec. 2339, the length of the divorce process cannot be less than six months from the date of service of a copy of summons and Petition or the date of appearance of the respondent, whichever occurs first.
Contested divorces are typically much longer than no-contest cases. Using an attorney and going through litigation are major factors that can significantly increase the length of the divorce proceeding.
DIY-divorce is often the fastest way to get a divorce in Shasta County, especially if the marriage was short and the spouses do not have minor children or marital property disputes. However, filing for divorce in Shasta County by yourself may be very complicated if the spouses need to fill out a lot of forms and review lots of documents.
Each divorce case is unique, so it is impossible to predict how long a divorce will take.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does a divorce cost in Shasta County?
The cost of any dissolution in Shasta County starts with a court filing fee, which is charged at the time of filing for divorce.
All the other possible expenses vary greatly depending on whether the case is contested and whether the spouses use the assistance of professionals such as lawyers, counselors, mediators, financial experts, or other specialists.
In an uncontested divorce case where the only issue the couple has to resolve is the paperwork, the cost may be limited to the cost associated with any service used to assist with the paperwork (like and the court filing fee.
How do you file for divorce in Shasta County without a lawyer?
Filing for divorce without a lawyer is a viable and entirely legal option, especially in an uncontested case. Shasta County courts provide self-help guidelines for spouses who want to proceed on their own. Each county in California has a location for Self-Help and Family Law Facilitators. And for those who want to save time and effort, there is, which allows you to resolve all the paperwork issues without leaving home.
What forms are required for an uncontested divorce in Shasta County?
The divorce forms required to be filed to start a divorce process in California include:
Petition — Marriage/Domestic Partnership
Summons (Family Law)
Proof of Service of Summons (Family Law — Uniform Parentage — Custody and Support)
Property Declaration (Family Law)
If the spouses have minor children, the following forms must be filed along with the Petition:
Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA)
Child Custody and Visitation (Parenting Time) Application Attachment
In the process of divorce, many additional legal forms may be required, depending on the case circumstances.
Can I file for legal separation in Shasta County, California?
The answer is yes. Legal separation is another way to terminate the marriage. It implies that the spouses divide their rights and liabilities just like in a divorce process, but remain legally married. A legally separated couple is not eligible to remarry or enter into a new domestic partnership.
Legal separation in California is very similar to divorce. The spouses are required to fill out similar forms and resolve the same issues as in a divorce (property division, custody of a child, alimony).
Legal separation may be transformed into divorce whenever desired by one of the spouses, even without the consent of the other partner.
When is it allowed to remarry after a divorce?
Either spouse is allowed to remarry after the court issues a Final Divorce Decree. California Family Law does not have a mandatory waiting period or any other restrictions for the remarriage of newly divorced people. However, a copy of the court order may be needed in some cases to obtain a new marriage license.
Divorce in California
Here is how makes completing divorce papers easier:
We provide the full divorce packet required by the local court - clients do not need to drive to their local courthouse to get the blank forms or search for the right divorce forms online. In rare cases, local county forms can vary in color, paper material, size, or bar code, so they may need to be obtained directly from the county clerk's office.
We complete the necessary forms for clients based on their answers given in a simple guided online interview - clients do not need to understand family law or read through complicated instructions to figure out how to fill out the forms themselves.
We give detailed, easy to follow step-by-step instructions for filing a divorce with the court - so the client knows exactly what to do to get his/her divorce finalized.
We provide unlimited technical support - if a client needs assistance through the online process, he/she can always reach out to us via phone, email, or live chat, and we'll do our best to help.
We save our clients time and money - if divorcing spouses agree regarding the terms of their divorce, they typically don’t have to pay thousands to a lawyer to handle their divorce forms and don't need to spend hours trying to do it all by themselves.
Divorce in California
Divorce Courts in Shasta County, California
Shasta County Superior Court
Court Address:
1500 Court St., Room 319, Redding, California 96001