Information about yourself - step 1 | Online Divorce
Online Divorce

Step 1: Qualify for Divorce

Qualify for Divorce

Step 2

Step 2: Provide your Case Details

Provide your Case Details

Step 3: Get Your Papers

Get Your Papers

Step 4: File for Divorce

File for Divorce

Provide Your Case Details

Please answer the following questions and then click the "Save & Continue" button


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Information about yourself

Theresa S.
5 stars

I live in upstate NY and unfortunately one day I found myself in a situation for divorce. I was all out of whack, needed answers to take action. Enough was enough so I did it on this site. Everything was clear to understand, all forms and what to put in which box.

Theresa S.

New York

Livy B.
5 stars is the bomb! I mean, using it was so easy to follow. So, if you find yourself in this situation do your divorce here if possible. Documents for all stages, alimony, child support and all!

Livy B.


Wesley H.
5 stars

I started my divorce on my own, spending loads of money on lawyer visits in the beginning. So I decided to google for other ways and using this site was so much more simple!

Wesley H.
